Magento Imagine. It’s basically a party, let’s be honest! But this year it’s different. It’s a new company, a new product, and the stakes are higher. People are worried. Magento 2 needs a big kick up the a**e, we need some great announcements.
The ecosystem is changing, whether we like it or not. Years ago osCommerce ruled the earth, now people laugh at it. Many say that Magento needed to reinvent itself. The trouble with Magento 2 was that SO much pressure was put on it, and so early on. I first thought of putting my extensions in support & maintanance back in 2012, such was the anticipation. Yoav talked about Magento 2 being in the works in Autumn of 2010 at the Developer Paradise. We all wanted it. Badly.
We also want eBay away. They weren’t really helping us, we were getting lost in this eBay Enterprise machine and sorely neglected. Being sold off was a good thing, Magento had some much needed oxygen pumped into it. This is how we saw it.
And now we wait for answers.
- What is the ecosystem?
- How will new merchants be encouraged to use Magento?
- Are we going after Demandware?
- Is the SME merchant lost to the likes of Shopify and Bigcommerce? Do Magento care?
- Whats the uptake on Magento 2?
- Just what are platinum partners and how do they affect us?
- Is Magento 2 going to excite the next gen of merchants?
- Just how many extensions will we be able to sell?
- Is the marketplace flushed out, or still a dream?
- Who is responsible for marketing at Magento?
- etc etc
But mainly there is one question. Does Magento (Inc) truly get this community, truly truly understand the value they bring, but not only value it but appreciate it beyond a badge of a Magento Master? Thats my question.
Because a great community and great partnerships work together in order to benefit the whole. Thats what we need to be doing. What we don’t want to be doing is having a layer of people that really are holding up Magento the platform, and the space, then another layer on top of that which say ‘thank you very much we will just cream off your hard work and contribute zero back’.
I’ve ‘grown up’ with many many CEOs of agencies, people that have turned businesses from 2 people into 100+ companies, I’ve seen small merchants become very large merchants, I’ve seen offline companies become highly successful online companies. I’ve also seen small merchants stay small merchants, and stay happy with that, and want to continue on Magento. Some of those small merchants are now confused. As are some of those small agencies.
And all along the way I’ve tried to look out and say let’s help each other, lets push each other along because thats what we should do. Because thats the right way. Forget about money, this isn’t about money, its about enabling success, its about being part of a community that nurtures each other. Yes we have our tiffs, all communities do, thats part of being a family.
Less than a week to Imagine. I sincerely hope the hyped up companies and their over-inflated marketing teams that work off the basic principle of crushing every ounce of competition by throwing money at the situation do not rue the day. People, genuine businesses and pure passion are the heart of Magento ecosystem and we should ensure that this remains so. So enjoy the party, but remember this is business – make the most of this event and make sure you get the answers you need to enable you to run your business.
By working together we are strong. That is what we should do now.
Great article, Karen.
Sadly I won’t get to see you at Imagine this year as my wife’s due date is the 17th, but I’ll be there “in spirit”. 🙂