I was writing a little code snippet tonight to get the name and url for products in a particular category. Its quite simple to do with the Magento API, here is the code:
$proxy = new SoapClient($soapUrl.'api/soap?wsdl'); $sessionId = $proxy->login($apiUser, $apiPass);
$productArr = $proxy->call($sessionId,
'catalog_category.assignedProducts', array('33'));
foreach ($productArr as $product) {
$productListing = $proxy->call($sessionId, 'product.info', $product['sku']); $extnDetails[] = array (
'url' =>'http://www.testdomain.com/'.$productListing['url_path']
); }
The output is something like:
[name] => Nike Shoes [url] => http://www.testdomain.com/nike_shoes.html )
[name] => Adidas Trainers [url] => http://www.testdomain.com/adidas_shoes.html )