One thing you realise in technology is that nothing stays the same. Today Bob Schwartz added himself to the steady trickle of departures from Magento this year.
I remember Yoav pointing Bob out to me back in 2010 at the Magento offices. He seemed an authoritative corporate kind of guy at first glance, a little intimidating if I’m honest. He looked like he knew what he was doing.
And so he did, he has helped Yoav and Roy steer their way to an acquisition by eBay and neatly backed himself out of his position to move onto pastures new. That’s a sound businessman.
I’d often see him listening avidly to people that other lesser mortals would have walked away from within 20 seconds. Likewise he always seemed perfectly at ease with the CEO’s of companies, his ability to transition so smoothly is not one I’ve come across often.
He actually gave us something quite special – an insight into how it’s possible to combine a work hard, play hard ethic and retain your integrity and dignity throughout. I personally learned a great deal from him.
My overriding memory of Bob will be a cool laid-back guy with a cracking sense of humour. I’ll miss that, the Magento conferences will certainly not be the same without his presence.
Good luck for the future Bob. And good luck Magento.