Its Friday and I’ve just touched down in Vegas for the Magento Imagine Conference. So why do many of us traipse from all four corners of the world to meetup here, whats the big deal? Let me try enlighten you from my perspective.
Well, firstly if you work in Magento this conference allows you to put faces to those contacts. There are few people in the Magento space that work solely alone. We are maybe solution partners with connections in Magento, we might buy extensions for companies like WebShopApps or Aheadworks, we use Saas solutions such as Bronto or Avalara. Being at the conference also offers you the opportunity to size up the competition. Just who are Lyons Consulting, why is Kevin at Blue Acorn such a nice guy? You can find all this out during the many networking sessions or over the poker table late at night.
For merchants the conference gives you that one-stop show to find out about all things Magento, and actually eCommerce. Its small enough to still retain intimacy, you will create friends here, but its large enough that all the significant players are in attendance. If you are looking for that next web design agency to rebuild your site or take your store to the next level on Magento Enterprise then look no further. Having problems with scaling Magento? Go speak with the Expert Consulting Group and see what they can do to assist. Need a video to promote your site – speak to The Buzz Lab who do all the fantastic production around Imagine.
Magento Imagine lifts the virtual into the physical. Software become alive, Magento breathes, Vinai Kopp really does know how to run! We get re-vitalised by fantastic keynote speeches, we leave with lifelong memories and new found friends. The grand show begins Sunday with the warmup events – I look forward to seeing you there.