I actually swore I wouldn’t write another post like this. Been here too many damn times. But hey this is WebShopApps, the heart is still beating over here and I feel like it cuts back to the core of me as a person, the wife of a merchant that in 2008 went out and found […]
Author Archives: Karen
Nailing Migration To New Software
This post is really about the lessons we learned (and are still learning) as a company about the art of nailing migration from one software product to another. As many of you know we made the big decision a few years back to move to the ShipperHQ platform for our paid offering, away from the […]
Magento Inc – Time to Trust
It’s been a long wait. But finally at Magento Imagine 2016 I felt like these guys actually ‘get it’. They understand what’s going on, the team at Magento Inc aren’t just hot air, they are real and they want US to succeed. Because they know our success enables their success. Hallelujah. So What Happened? Well […]
Magento – Down to Business at Imagine
Magento Imagine. It’s basically a party, let’s be honest! But this year it’s different. It’s a new company, a new product, and the stakes are higher. People are worried. Magento 2 needs a big kick up the a**e, we need some great announcements. The ecosystem is changing, whether we like it or not. Years ago […]
Magento 2 – WebShopApps Announcement
As part of launching our Magento 2 offering we are moving the blogs for Magento 2 company announcements to ShipperHQ.com. See details on our Magento 2 release which includes the free MatrixRates offering, and is available for download today!! TweetFacebookLinkedInTumblrStumbleDiggDelicious
Refresh & Renew – Magento 2
Overview Not so long ago I gave my initial thoughts on Magento 2. This was when Magento 2 was in merchant beta. Since then there have been many thousands of commits to the Magento code, it has been stabilized more as I understand and we are in a different place as it has now been […]
Building against Magento 2 – My Thoughts So far
Over the past couple of months in between my day job of running WebShopApps/ShipperHQ (which keeps me more than busy) I’ve been writing Magento 2 extensions. For fun? No not exactly, we were asked to write them by Magento for the Merchant Beta, the rest of my team is maxed so I get the short […]
Why the Split from eBay will be the success of Magento
There is nothing like a crisis to focus the mind. Last year eBay was pushed into a corner by their major investor Carl Icahn around splitting up the monolith. In January a split of Paypal/eBay was announced and as an almost footnote there was mention that eBay Enterprise was also to be sold/spun off. And […]
Magento Live UK 2015
Understated, Confident, Collaborative, and Effective That’s how I’d describe Magento Live UK and here is why. Actually no, let me first discuss Magento 2 as thats far more interesting! 😉 Magento 2 The Magento 2 discussions were great, this is a reality. I saw someone comment on twitter about Magento may miss the launch date […]
Imagine – The Greatest Commerce Show on Earth
The Stars Align Every year in the run up it’s the last one. We rumble on about how things are going to come to a close, how people are moving on, rumble rumble rumble. Then something happens. 40+ countries come together, and this wonderful ecosystem joins hands in the real world. No longer confined to […]